
Generic worker that performs concurrent tasks using coroutine.

Quick Start Tutorial

Define how a task is performed and create the worker:

from coworker import Coworker

class SquareWorker(Coworker):
    async def do_task(self, task):
        return task * task

worker = SquareWorker(max_concurrency=5)    # Only 5 tasks will run concurrently
                                            # As do_task is fast, 35,000 tasks can be done in 1 second.

To run in the background forever and add tasks:

import asyncio

async def background_worker_example():
    # Start worker / Run in background

    # Mulitiple tasks
    tasks = list(range(100))
    results = await asyncio.gather(*worker.add_tasks(tasks))
    print(results)  # results = [0, 1, 4, 9, ...]

    # Single task
    result = await worker.add_tasks(2)
    print(result)   # result = 4

    # Stop worker
    await worker.stop()

# Run async usage example

To run for a list of tasks and stop worker when finished:

task_futures = asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(worker.start([1, 2, 3]))
print([t.result() for t in task_futures])   # [1, 4, 9]